What's on in North Barrow 

Community events in 2024 to include....


SPRING CLEAN - 20th April


PLANT SALE - 27th April


QUIZ NIGHT - 28th September




Regular classes

Dog training: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings

Contact: Lisa Glover - 01963 240662, lisaglover658@hotmail.com

Toddler Group: Fridays 10-11.30

Contact Heather Trott 07786546453, £3 per family to include a craft, a snack and free play.

Cranio-sacral Therapy with Beverley Katz 

Contact bkatz3@me.com Phone: 07973 210910

Band practice:  A few bands practice on a regular basis at the hall.  

Do you love to play but need to be loud or don't have the space?  Contact us at the hall. 


Our events are publicised on our website and Facebook page!