Standing Orders for North Barrow Community Hall


General Statement of Policy


The aim of this document is to enable the committee to manage the running of all aspects of the hall in line with their Missions and Objectives.


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held once a year in the third week of October to run through the activities of the previous year, with specific focus on the finances. The AGM is also the forum in which committee members are elected to represent the Trust in the management of the Hall during the coming year.


A copy of the minutes of the AGM together with the Annual Report, Accounts and details of new trustees should be sent to the Charity Commission.


Committee membership


The committee will consist of no less than 4 members, who will fulfil the roles of Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.


These are elected by the committee at the AGM together with any other committee members deemed necessary.


All committee members will be required to sign an acceptance form in recognition of their position.




The quorum for a meeting is 4.




Managing Trustees


These are the people who manage the charity on a day-to-day basis and will come from the management committee. The responsibility of being a Trustee should not be taken lightly as they must ensure that they always act for the good of the charity and its beneficiaries and that in doing so they comply with the terms of the governing documentation and any legislation. All Trustees are advised to become acquainted with Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)’s Information Sheet 17 Trustees – Roles and Responsibilities.


In our case it is proposed that The Chairman, Secretary and two other Committee members shall hold the position of Trustees.


Holding Trustees


A village hall charity will usually provide for a second set of trustees to be appointed to hold the land or property on behalf of the charity. These are the Holding (or Custodian) Trustees. Their sole function is to hold the title to the property. Although not formally a Trustee, our Deeds are held for us by Clarke Willmott Solicitors in Taunton under Reference 111314/03487 (this is the client and volume number).




Any correspondence addressed to ‘The Committee’ that is sent to individuals on the committee should be dealt with by the Chairman in the first instance. Committee members should forward any relevant views to the Chairman to assist his decision making.


Working Groups


Working groups for the management of projects will be established as approved by the committee. The committee retains decision making powers.




Meetings will be held approximately 6 weekly with a minimum of 3 meetings to be held in a calendar year.


In the absence of the Chairman, the committee members present should elect someone to Chair the meeting.


An Agenda will be circulated at least five days prior to each meeting. The Chairman has the discretion to accept additional items under exceptional circumstances.


The Secretary will draft minutes of the content of the meeting which will be circulated to the committee for review and comment.


At the following meeting the Minutes will be discussed and agreed as a true record. A copy of the minutes will then be signed by the Chairman and held on file by the Trust.




Refer to the Standing Orders for financial management.




Policies and procedures will be reviewed annually at the first committee meeting following the AGM. 


Health and Safety


The committee will ensure that all risk assessments are carried out as required by insurance and law.



This policy will be reviewed annually at the first committee meeting following the AGM.


Approved by Committee: November 2024


Review date: November 2024