Missions and Objectives for North Barrow Community Hall




To provide North Barrow and the surrounding communities with a facility for assembly, play, education, entertainment, care and other social activities of the area.




  • to maintain the Hall in a good state of cleanliness and repair.
  • to limit the number of events in which food is provided, so as not to be considered a ‘Food Business’.
  • to ensure that, over a reasonable period of time, the income generated at least equals the cost of maintenance.
  • to charge rental for the use of the Hall that is fair and competitive with other halls in the locality.
  • to organise and promote social gatherings of and for the enjoyment of the community, and where an outlay is involved, to at least recover the costs, and where reasonable to generate a surplus.
  • to comply with all regulations pertinent to the provision of the facility to the public.




Management of the Hall is by a committee comprised of a minimum of four volunteers from the local community with a Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. 




This policy will be reviewed annually at the first committee meeting following the AGM.


Approved by Committee: November 2023


Review date: November 2024